A combination function of VarRiskSummary and riskSummary.approx for MI BKMR fits.
Compare estimated h
function when a single variable (or a set of variables) is at the 75th versus 25th percentile, when all of the other variables are fixed at a particular percentile
vector indicating which variables (columns of Z) for which the summary should be computed
An object contatinint the results return by the kmbayes function
effect modifier for the outcome variable
column name of the effect modifier for the outcome variable
values that the mediator is set to
values of the quantile that the mediator is set to
column name of the mediator
vector indicating the two quantiles q_1 and q_2 at which to compute h(z_q2)-h(z_q1)
a second quantile at which to compare the estimated h function
1-confidence interval
a vector selecting which iterations of the fit should be retained or inference
the random seed to use to evaluate the code
a data frame containing the (posterior mean) estimate and posterior standard deviation of the single predictor CDE risk measures
For guided examples, go to https://zc2326.github.io/causalbkmr/articles/BKMRCMA_QuickStart.html