All functions |
Sample Data for MI BKMR |
Estimate controlled direct effect for BKMR-CMA-MI |
Estimate controlled direct effect for BKMR |
CDERiskSummaries.CMA |
Single Variable Risk Summaries
Compute summaries of the risks associated with a change in a single variable in |
Single variable plot for CDE. |
Compute the posterior mean and variance of |
Compute the posterior mean and variance of |
Calculate overall risk summaries for BKMR MI |
Calculate overall risk summaries when fixing multiple effect modifiers at certain levels |
Predict the exposure-response function at a new grid of points for MI BKMR |
Plot bivariate predictor-response function on a new grid of points for MI BKMR |
Plot univariate predictor-response function on a new grid of point for MI BKMR |
Rubins 1987 method |
Single Variable Risk Summaries for CMA
Compute summaries of the risks associated with a change in a single variable in |
Single Variable Risk Summaries for MI BKMR fits
Compute summaries of the risks associated with a change in a single variable in |
Calculate Single Variable Risk Summaries when fixing multiple effect modifiers at certain levels
Compute summaries of the risks associated with a change in a single variable in |
Estimate total effect for BKMR |
Estimate total effect for BKMR |
TERiskSummaries.CMA |
VarRiskSummary.CMA |
YaMastar counterfactual |
Estimate TE for BKMR-CMA-MI |
Function to compile the exposures from all MI datasets |
CMA Sample Data Simulation |
makeKpart |
Title |
Estimate NDE/NIE for BKMR-CMA-MI |
Estimate NDE/NIE for BKMR(plus TE) |
Posterior/Bootstrap Summary Function |